If you’re having problems with your calls, first make sure your contact number is in an international format and if your friend's number is valid and reachable.
If you hear a prompt saying that you don't have enough credit to make your call, please check the following steps carefully:
If you’re calling via ''phone lines" your call will be connected through a local number first. This means that you will be charged for a local call through your mobile operator unless you have unlimited or free local calls. Therefore you have to be sure that you have enough credits with your mobile operator (instead of your Rebtel account).
If you don’t have enough credits with your mobile operator, don't worry! Simply switch your connection in Call Setup to mobile data or Wi-Fi.
In general, if you have a prepaid plan that does not include cheap or free unlimited local minutes, we recommend changing your connection type to mobile data or Wi-Fi.
- Make sure that you are calling from the phone number registered with your Rebtel account. If you have 2 accounts, then you might have added credit in one account and then try to call from the other, hence the message you hear. We can help you to merge your accounts if you contact us :)
- If you have a subscription, please make sure that you are calling the country included in your subscription. For example, if you bought a subscription to India then you will only be able to call India.
After checking all of the points above, please try calling again. If you continue to have problems, please click on the "Contact our team" button at the bottom of this page and share the following information about the problematic call:
- Your number: (+country code...)
- Number you dialed: (+country code...)
- Date and time:
This information will help our team to identify the problem and help you faster!