How Do I Change the Currency in My Account?

Clade -

Send_money.pngWe accept payments in the following currencies: US Dollar (USD), British pound (GBP), Australian Dollar, Euros (EUR), Swedish Krona (SEK) and Polish Zloty (PLN).

*The default currency that can be seen in the app is based on the country of origin of the number found your mobile.

To change the currency:

  1. Log in to my Rebtel (if you're on the Rebtel homepage, click on your profile picture and then "My account")
  2. Go to your profile picture and click on "My profile"
  3. Click on "Currency" and make the correct changes in the drop-down list below the currency field.
  4. Check.pngMake sure to click on "Save Changes" after you are done. 





Warning.pngPlease note that your bank's exchange rate and / or fee may apply. Kindly contact your bank for further information.



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